Open Vulnerability Assessment System (Open VAS) es. actualmente el codigo abierto para la evaluación de la seguridad más expandido y más profesional en el mercado.El programa es un subproducto de Nessus (antes del 2005). Nessus se inicio como software libre, mutando a un producto con licencia comercial en 2005 al completarse su versión 3.0 . La compañia de Deraison, Tenable Security, se ha concentrado desde entonces en ofrecer soporte técnico para Nessus. La utilidad de un escáner de vulnerabilidades como Open VAS depende de las actualizaciones de su servicio de fuente de datos, que proporciona pruebas de vulnerabilidades de red (NVTs) en un formato especial. Actualmente Open VAS proporciona unas 25,000 NVTs.
Los desarrolladores de Nessus donaron amablemente a la comunidad de software libre el código de la versión 2,2 en 2005 , llevando durante 7 años bajo la licencia de GLP. El proyecto sucesor denominado Open VAS está en su mayoria programado en C, con la excepción de algunos modulos en C++ , y está disponible bajo la licencia GPLv2. En este campo Nessus llegó a la versión 5,0.
Algunas de las herramientas y complementos más interesantes para Open VAS, conocido como Greenbone Security Solutions, incluye la interfaz web Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA), la interfaz de escritorio Vulnerability Management Control Center (vmcc) o la interfaz avanzada de linea de comandos Vulnerability Management Batch Process Integration(vmbpi), así como la Greenbone Security Explorer, una aplicación web interactiva e independiente, basada en mapas, diseñada para el análisis de informes. Dependiendo de la distribución, las utilidades de Greenbone está usualmente disponibles desde el repositorio de Open VAS o como parte del respectivo paquete.
Solución de Problemas:
En el momento en que un componente de Open VAS comienza a fallar u ocurren otros problemas, el equipo de Open VAS proporciona un script que comprueba la instalación y nos da información para solucionar problemas. Copiamos y pegamos el script en un editor de nuestra elección, guardarlo como openvas-check-setup, luego escribir el comando chmod +x openvas-check-setup comprueba la instalación de OpenVAS 4 y ./openvas-check-setup -v5 ayuda con OpenVAS 5 . Este script comprueba si los servicios necesarios de Open VAS están funcionando y si están aceptando conexiones en los puertos adecuados.
#!/bin/sh # OpenVAS # $Id$ # Description: Script for checking completeness and readiness # of OpenVAS. # # Authors: # Jan-Oliver Wagner <> # Michael Wiegand <> # # Copyright: # Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Greenbone Networks GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, # or at your option any later version, as published by the # Free Software Foundation # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. LOG=/tmp/openvas-check-setup.log CHECKVERSION=2.2.0 if [ "$1" = "--server" -o "$2" = "--server" ] then MODE="server" else MODE="desktop" fi # Current default is OpenVAS-5: VER="5" SCANNER_MAJOR="3" SCANNER_MINOR="3" MANAGER_MAJOR="3" MANAGER_MINOR="0" ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR="1" ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR="2" GSA_MAJOR="3" GSA_MINOR="0" CLI_MAJOR="1" CLI_MINOR="1" GSD_MAJOR="1" GSD_MINOR="2" if [ "$1" = "--v6" -o "$2" = "--v6" ] then VER="6" SCANNER_MAJOR="3" SCANNER_MINOR="4" MANAGER_MAJOR="4" MANAGER_MINOR="0" ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR="1" ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR="2" GSA_MAJOR="4" GSA_MINOR="0" CLI_MAJOR="1" CLI_MINOR="1" GSD_MAJOR="1" GSD_MINOR="2" elif [ "$1" = "--v5" -o "$2" = "--v5" ] then VER="5" SCANNER_MAJOR="3" SCANNER_MINOR="3" MANAGER_MAJOR="3" MANAGER_MINOR="0" ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR="1" ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR="2" GSA_MAJOR="3" GSA_MINOR="0" CLI_MAJOR="1" CLI_MINOR="1" GSD_MAJOR="1" GSD_MINOR="2" elif [ "$1" = "--v4" -o "$2" = "--v4" ] then VER="4" SCANNER_MAJOR="3" SCANNER_MINOR="2" MANAGER_MAJOR="2" MANAGER_MINOR="0" ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR="1" ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR="1" GSA_MAJOR="2" GSA_MINOR="0" CLI_MAJOR="1" CLI_MINOR="1" GSD_MAJOR="1" GSD_MINOR="2" fi echo "openvas-check-setup $CHECKVERSION" echo " Test completeness and readiness of OpenVAS-$VER" if [ "$VER" = "4" -o "$VER" = "6" ] then echo " (add '--v5' if you want to check for OpenVAS-5)" fi echo "" echo " Please report us any non-detected problems and" echo " help us to improve this check routine:" echo "" echo "" echo " Send us the log-file ($LOG) to help analyze the problem." echo "" if [ "$MODE" = "desktop" ] then echo " Use the parameter --server to skip checks for client tools" echo " like GSD and OpenVAS-CLI." echo "" fi log_and_print () { echo " " $1 echo " " $1 >> $LOG } check_failed () { echo "" echo " ERROR: Your OpenVAS-$VER installation is not yet complete!" echo "" echo "Please follow the instructions marked with FIX above and run this" echo "script again." echo "" echo "If you think this result is wrong, please report your observation" echo "and help us to improve this check routine:" echo "" echo "Please attach the log-file ($LOG) to help us analyze the problem." echo "" exit 1 } # LOG start echo "openvas-check-setup $CHECKVERSION" > $LOG echo " Mode: $MODE" >> $LOG echo " Date: " `date -R` >> $LOG echo "" >> $LOG echo "Step 1: Checking OpenVAS Scanner ... " echo "Checking for old OpenVAS Scanner <= 2.0 ..." >> $LOG openvasd -V >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Old version of OpenVAS Scanner detected." log_and_print "FIX: Please remove the installation of the old OpenVAS Scanner (openvasd)." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS Scanner ..." >> $LOG openvassd --version >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd) found." log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Scanner." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Checking OpenVAS Scanner version ..." >> $LOG VERSION=`openvassd --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OpenVAS Scanner //"` if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$SCANNER_MAJOR\.$SCANNER_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Scanner too old or too new: $VERSION" log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Scanner $SCANNER_MAJOR.$SCANNER_MINOR." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is present in version $VERSION." openvassd -s >> $LOG echo "Checking OpenVAS Scanner CA cert ..." >> $LOG CAFILE=`openvassd -s | grep ca_file | sed -e "s/^ca_file = //"` if [ ! -e $CAFILE ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No CA certificate file of OpenVAS Scanner found." log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-mkcert'." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner CA Certificate is present as $CAFILE." echo "Checking NVT collection ..." >> $LOG PLUGINSFOLDER=`openvassd -s | grep plugins_folder | sed -e "s/^plugins_folder = //"` if [ ! -d $PLUGINSFOLDER ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Directory containing the NVT collection not found." log_and_print "FIX: Run a synchronization script like openvas-nvt-sync or greenbone-nvt-sync." check_failed fi OLDPLUGINSFOLDER=`echo "$PLUGINSFOLDER" | grep -q -v "/var/" 2>&1` if [ $? -eq 0 ] then CONFFILE=`openvassd -s | grep config_file | sed -e "s/^config_file = //"` log_and_print "ERROR: Your OpenVAS Scanner configuration seems to be from a pre-OpenVAS-4 installation and contains non-FHS compliant paths." log_and_print "FIX: Delete your OpenVAS Scanner Configuration file ($CONFFILE)." check_failed fi NVTCOUNT=`find $PLUGINSFOLDER -name "*nasl" | wc -l` if [ $NVTCOUNT -lt 10 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: The NVT collection is very small." log_and_print "FIX: Run a synchronization script like openvas-nvt-sync or greenbone-nvt-sync." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: NVT collection in $PLUGINSFOLDER contains $NVTCOUNT NVTs." echo "Checking status of signature checking in OpenVAS Scanner ..." >> $LOG NOSIGCHECK=`openvassd -s | grep nasl_no_signature_check | sed -e "s/^nasl_no_signature_check = //"` if [ $NOSIGCHECK != "no" ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Signature checking of NVTs is not enabled in OpenVAS Scanner." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Enable signature checking (see" else log_and_print "OK: Signature checking of NVTs is enabled in OpenVAS Scanner." fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Step 2: Checking OpenVAS Manager ... " echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS Manager ..." >> $LOG openvasmd --version >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Manager (openvasmd) found." log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Manager." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG VERSION=`openvasmd --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OpenVAS Manager //"` if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$MANAGER_MAJOR\.$MANAGER_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Manager too old or too new: $VERSION" log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Manager $MANAGER_MAJOR.$MANAGER_MINOR." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager is present in version $VERSION." echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager client certificate ..." >> $LOG CERTDIR=`dirname $CAFILE` CLIENTCERTFILE="$CERTDIR/clientcert.pem" if [ ! -e $CLIENTCERTFILE ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No client certificate file of OpenVAS Manager found." log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvas-mkcert-client -n om -i'" check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager client certificate is present as $CLIENTCERTFILE." echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager database ..." >> $LOG # Guess openvas state dir from $PLUGINSFOLDER STATEDIR=`dirname $PLUGINSFOLDER` TASKSDB="$STATEDIR/mgr/tasks.db" if [ ! -e $TASKSDB ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Manager database found. (Tried: $TASKSDB)" log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvasmd --rebuild' while OpenVAS Scanner is running." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager database found in $TASKSDB." echo "Checking access rights of OpenVAS Manager database ..." >> $LOG TASKSDBPERMS=`stat -c "%a" "$TASKSDB"` if [ "$TASKSDBPERMS" != "600" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: The access rights of the OpenVAS Manager database are incorrect." log_and_print "FIX: Run 'chmod 600 $TASKSDB'." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: Access rights for the OpenVAS Manager database are correct." echo "Checking sqlite3 presence ..." >> $LOG SQLITE3=`type sqlite3 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find sqlite3 binary, extended manager checks of the OpenVAS Manager installation are disabled." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install sqlite3." HAVE_SQLITE=0 else log_and_print "OK: sqlite3 found, extended checks of the OpenVAS Manager installation enabled." HAVE_SQLITE=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG if [ $HAVE_SQLITE -eq 1 ] then echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager database revision ..." >> $LOG TASKSDBREV=`sqlite3 $TASKSDB "select value from meta where name='database_version';"` if [ -z $TASKSDBREV ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Could not determine database revision, database corrupt or in invalid format." log_and_print "FIX: Delete database at $TASKSDB and rebuild it." check_failed else log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager database is at revision $TASKSDBREV." fi echo "Checking database revision expected by OpenVAS Manager ..." >> $LOG MANAGERDBREV=`openvasmd --version | grep "Manager DB revision" | sed -e "s/.*\ //"` if [ -z $MANAGERDBREV ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Could not determine database revision expected by OpenVAS Manager." log_and_print "FIX: Ensure OpenVAS Manager is installed correctly." check_failed else log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager expects database at revision $MANAGERDBREV." fi if [ $TASKSDBREV -lt $MANAGERDBREV ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Database schema is out of date." log_and_print "FIX: Run 'openvasmd --migrate'." check_failed else log_and_print "OK: Database schema is up to date." fi echo "Checking OpenVAS Manager database (NVT data) ..." >> $LOG DBNVTCOUNT=`sqlite3 $TASKSDB "select count(*) from nvts;"` if [ $DBNVTCOUNT -lt 20000 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: The number of NVTs in the OpenVAS Manager database is too low." log_and_print "FIX: Make sure OpenVAS Scanner is running with an up-to-date NVT collection and run 'openvasmd --rebuild'." check_failed else log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager database contains information about $DBNVTCOUNT NVTs." fi fi echo "Checking xsltproc presence ..." >> $LOG XSLTPROC=`type xsltproc 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find xsltproc binary, most report formats will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install xsltproc." else log_and_print "OK: xsltproc found." fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Step 3: Checking OpenVAS Administrator ... " echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS Administrator ..." >> $LOG openvasad --version >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS Administrator (openvasad) found." log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Administrator." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG VERSION=`openvasad --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OpenVAS Administrator //"` if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR\.$ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Administrator too old or too new: $VERSION" log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS Administrator $ADMINISTRATOR_MAJOR.$ADMINISTRATOR_MINOR." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is present in version $VERSION." echo "Checking if users exist ..." >> $LOG USERCOUNT=`openvasad -c "list_users" | sed -e "/^$/d" | wc -l` if [ $USERCOUNT -eq 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No users found. You need to create at least one user to log in." log_and_print " It is recommended to have at least one user with role Admin." log_and_print "FIX: Create a user using 'openvasad -c 'add_user' -n <name> --role=Admin'" check_failed else log_and_print "OK: At least one user exists." fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Checking if at least one admin user exists ..." >> $LOG ADMINEXISTS=`ls $STATEDIR/users/*/isadmin 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No admin user found. You need to create at least one admin user to log in." log_and_print "FIX: Create a user using 'openvasad -c 'add_user' -n <name> -r Admin'" check_failed else log_and_print "OK: At least one admin user exists." fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Step 4: Checking Greenbone Security Assistant (GSA) ... " echo "Checking presence of Greenbone Security Assistant ..." >> $LOG gsad --version >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No Greenbone Security Assistant (gsad) found." log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Assistant." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG VERSION=`gsad --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/Greenbone Security Assistant //"` if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$GSA_MAJOR\.$GSA_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Greenbone Security Assistant too old or too new: $VERSION" log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Assistant $GSA_MAJOR.$GSA_MINOR." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is present in version $VERSION." echo "Step 5: Checking OpenVAS CLI ... " if [ "$MODE" != "server" ] then echo "Checking presence of OpenVAS CLI ..." >> $LOG omp --version >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No OpenVAS CLI (omp) found." log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS CLI." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG VERSION=`omp --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/OMP Command Line Interface //"` if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$CLI_MAJOR\.$CLI_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS CLI too old or too new: $VERSION" log_and_print "FIX: Please install OpenVAS CLI $CLI_MAJOR.$CLI_MINOR." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS CLI version $VERSION." else log_and_print "SKIP: Skipping check for OpenVAS CLI." fi echo "Step 6: Checking Greenbone Security Desktop (GSD) ... " if [ "$MODE" != "server" ] then echo "Checking presence of Greenbone Security Desktop ..." >> $LOG DISPLAY=fake gsd --version >> $LOG 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: No Greenbone Security Desktop (gsd) found or too old." log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Desktop 1.1.0." check_failed fi echo "" >> $LOG VERSION=`gsd --version | head -1 | sed -e "s/Greenbone Security Desktop //"` if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "^$GSD_MAJOR\.$GSD_MINOR" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then # a special exception rule for v4 where also another release is OK if [ $VER -eq "4" -a `echo $VERSION | grep "^1\.1" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "ERROR: Greenbone Security Desktop too old or too new: $VERSION" log_and_print "FIX: Please install Greenbone Security Desktop $GSD_MAJOR.$GSD_MINOR." check_failed fi fi echo "" >> $LOG log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Desktop is present in Version $VERSION." else log_and_print "SKIP: Skipping check for Greenbone Security Assistant." fi echo "Step 7: Checking if OpenVAS services are up and running ... " echo "Checking netstat presence ..." >> $LOG NETSTAT=`type netstat 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find netstat binary, checks of the OpenVAS services are disabled." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install netstat." HAVE_NETSTAT=0 else log_and_print "OK: netstat found, extended checks of the OpenVAS services enabled." HAVE_NETSTAT=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG if [ $HAVE_NETSTAT -eq 1 ] then netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null >> $LOG OPENVASSD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvassd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'` OPENVASSD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvassd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` OPENVASMD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasmd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'` OPENVASMD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasmd | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` OPENVASAD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'` OPENVASAD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep openvasad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` GSAD_HOST=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep gsad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $1}'` GSAD_PORT=`netstat -A inet -ntlp 2> /dev/null | grep gsad | awk -F\ '{print $4}' | awk -F: '{print $2}'` case "$OPENVASSD_HOST" in "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is running and listening on all interfaces." ;; "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is running and listening only on the local interface." ;; "") OPENVASSD_PROC=`ps -Af | grep "openvassd: waiting for incoming connections" | grep -v grep | wc -l` if [ $OPENVASSD_PROC -eq 0 ] then log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Scanner is NOT running!" ; log_and_print "FIX: Start OpenVAS Scanner (openvassd)." ; else log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Scanner seems to be run by another user!" ; log_and_print "FIX: If intended this is OK (e.g. as root). But we can not determine the port." ; log_and_print "FIX: You might face subsequent problems if not intended." ; fi OPENVASSD_PORT=-1 ;; esac case $OPENVASSD_PORT in -1) ;; 9391) log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port 9391, which is the default port." ;; *) log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port $OPENVASSD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!" log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure OpenVAS Scanner is listening on port 9391." ;; esac case "$OPENVASMD_HOST" in "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager is running and listening on all interfaces." ;; "") log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Manager is running and listening only on the local interface. This means that you will not be able to access the OpenVAS Manager from the outside using GSD or OpenVAS CLI." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure that OpenVAS Manager listens on all interfaces." ;; "") log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Manager is NOT running!" ; log_and_print "FIX: Start OpenVAS Manager (openvasmd)." ; OPENVASMD_PORT=-1 ;; esac case $OPENVASMD_PORT in -1) ;; 9390) log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Manager is listening on port 9390, which is the default port." ;; *) log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Manager is listening on port $OPENVASMD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!" log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure OpenVAS Manager is listening on port 9390." ;; esac case "$OPENVASAD_HOST" in "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is running and listening on all interfaces." ;; "") log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is running and listening only on the local interface." ;; "") log_and_print "ERROR: OpenVAS Administrator is NOT running!" ; log_and_print "FIX: Start OpenVAS Administrator (openvasad)." ; OPENVASAD_PORT=-1 ;; esac case $OPENVASAD_PORT in -1) ;; 9393) log_and_print "OK: OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port 9393, which is the default port." ;; *) log_and_print "WARNING: OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port $OPENVASAD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!" log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure OpenVAS Administrator is listening on port 9393." ;; esac case "$GSAD_HOST" in "") log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is running and listening on all interfaces." ;; "") log_and_print "WARNING: Greenbone Security Assistant is running and listening only on the local interface. This means that you will not be able to access the Greenbone Security Assistant from the outside using a web browser." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure that Greenbone Security Assistant listens on all interfaces." ;; "") log_and_print "ERROR: Greenbone Security Assistant is NOT running!" ; log_and_print "FIX: Start Greenbone Security Assistant (gsad)." ; GSAD_PORT=-1 ;; esac case $GSAD_PORT in -1) ;; 80|443|9392) log_and_print "OK: Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on port $GSAD_PORT, which is the default port." ;; *) log_and_print "WARNING: Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on port $GSAD_PORT, which is NOT the default port!" log_and_print "SUGGEST: Ensure Greenbone Security Assistant is listening on one of the following ports: 80, 443, 9392." ;; esac if [ $OPENVASSD_PORT -eq -1 ] || [ $OPENVASMD_PORT -eq -1 ] || [ $OPENVASAD_PORT -eq -1 ] || [ $GSAD_PORT -eq -1 ] then check_failed fi fi echo "Step 8: Checking nmap installation ..." echo "Checking presence of nmap ..." >> $LOG VERSION=`nmap --version | awk '/Nmap version/ { print $3 }'` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: No nmap installation found." log_and_print "SUGGEST: You should install nmap for comprehensive network scanning (see" else if [ `echo $VERSION | grep "5\.51" | wc -l` -ne "1" ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Your version of nmap is not fully supported: $VERSION" log_and_print "SUGGEST: You should install nmap 5.51." else log_and_print "OK: nmap is present in version $VERSION." fi fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "Step 9: Checking presence of optional tools ..." echo "Checking presence of pdflatex ..." >> $LOG PDFLATEX=`type pdflatex 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find pdflatex binary, the PDF report format will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install pdflatex." HAVE_PDFLATEX=0 else log_and_print "OK: pdflatex found." HAVE_PDFLATEX=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG if [ $HAVE_PDFLATEX -eq 1 ] then echo "Checking presence of LaTeX packages required for PDF report generation ..." >> $LOG PDFTMPDIR=`mktemp -d -t openvas-check-setup-tmp.XXXXXXXXXX` TEXFILE="$PDFTMPDIR/test.tex" cat <<EOT > $TEXFILE \documentclass{article} \pagestyle{empty} %\usepackage{color} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{geometry} \usepackage{comment} \usepackage{longtable} \usepackage{titlesec} \usepackage{chngpage} \usepackage{calc} \usepackage{url} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter {135}{{\textascii ?}} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter {129}{{\textascii ?}} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter {128}{{\textascii ?}} \usepackage{colortbl} % must come last \usepackage{hyperref} \definecolor{linkblue}{rgb}{0.11,0.56,1} \definecolor{inactive}{rgb}{0.56,0.56,0.56} \definecolor{openvas_debug}{rgb}{0.78,0.78,0.78} \definecolor{openvas_false_positive}{rgb}{0.2275,0.2275,0.2275} \definecolor{openvas_log}{rgb}{0.2275,0.2275,0.2275} \definecolor{openvas_hole}{rgb}{0.7960,0.1137,0.0902} \definecolor{openvas_note}{rgb}{0.3255,0.6157,0.7961} \definecolor{openvas_report}{rgb}{0.68,0.74,0.88} \definecolor{openvas_user_note}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.5625} \definecolor{openvas_user_override}{rgb}{1.0,1.0,0.5625} \definecolor{openvas_warning}{rgb}{0.9764,0.6235,0.1922} \hypersetup{colorlinks=true,linkcolor=linkblue,urlcolor=blue,bookmarks=true,bookmarksopen=true} \usepackage[all]{hypcap} %\geometry{verbose,a4paper,tmargin=24mm,bottom=24mm} \geometry{verbose,a4paper} \setlength{\parskip}{\smallskipamount} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \title{PDF Report Test} \pagestyle{headings} \pagenumbering{arabic} \begin{document} This is a test of the PDF generation capabilities of your OpenVAS installation. Please ignore. \end{document} EOT pdflatex -interaction batchmode -output-directory $PDFTMPDIR $TEXFILE > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! -f "$PDFTMPDIR/test.pdf" ] then log_and_print "WARNING: PDF generation failed, most likely due to missing LaTeX packages. The PDF report format will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install required LaTeX packages." else log_and_print "OK: PDF generation successful. The PDF report format is likely to work." fi if [ -f "$PDFTMPDIR/test.log" ] then cat $PDFTMPDIR/test.log >> $LOG fi rm -rf $PDFTMPDIR fi echo "Checking presence of ssh-keygen ..." >> $LOG SSHKEYGEN=`type ssh-keygen 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find ssh-keygen binary, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install ssh-keygen." HAVE_SSHKEYGEN=0 else log_and_print "OK: ssh-keygen found, LSC credential generation for GNU/Linux targets is likely to work." HAVE_SSHKEYGEN=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG if [ $HAVE_SSHKEYGEN -eq 1 ] then echo "Checking presence of rpm ..." >> $LOG RPM=`type rpm 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find rpm binary, LSC credential package generation for RPM and DEB based targets will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install rpm." HAVE_RPM=0 else log_and_print "OK: rpm found, LSC credential package generation for RPM based targets is likely to work." HAVE_RPM=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG if [ $HAVE_RPM -eq 1 ] then echo "Checking presence of alien ..." >> $LOG ALIEN=`type alien 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find alien binary, LSC credential package generation for DEB based targets will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install alien." HAVE_ALIEN=0 else log_and_print "OK: alien found, LSC credential package generation for DEB based targets is likely to work." HAVE_ALIEN=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG fi fi echo "Checking presence of nsis ..." >> $LOG NSIS=`type makensis 2> /dev/null` if [ $? -ne 0 ] then log_and_print "WARNING: Could not find makensis binary, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets will not work." log_and_print "SUGGEST: Install nsis." HAVE_NSIS=0 else log_and_print "OK: nsis found, LSC credential package generation for Microsoft Windows targets is likely to work." HAVE_NSIS=1 fi echo "" >> $LOG echo "" echo "It seems like your OpenVAS-$VER installation is OK." echo "" echo "If you think it is not OK, please report your observation" echo "and help us to improve this check routine:" echo "" echo "Please attach the log-file ($LOG) to help us analyze the problem." echo ""
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